Thursday, October 19, 2006

El pinche muro

Para algunos el proceso de globalización en el mundo se profundizó de manera definitiva con la caída del muro de Berlín en 1989. En menos de un mes se volverá a festejar el evento que no sólo permitió reunificar Alemania sino que además cambió el destino de millones de europeos del este. Hoy, es cada vez más cerca el sueño de una sola Europa y están cada vez más lejos las grandes diferencias entre oeste y oriente. El muro de Berlín representó la división entre el bloque soviético y el resto del mundo. Esta absurda división empobreció una gran parte de Europa que camino al ritmo del sueño soviético de crear un gran bloque socialista y por lo tanto opuesto al desarrollo basado en un esquema capitalista.

El mundo celebró emocionado dicho evento hace más de quince años y hoy quienes somos defensores de que el proceso de globalización es positivo para los peruanos no podemos sino estar consternados por la absurda decisión del presidente Bush de impulsar la construcción de un muro que separe los Estados Unidos Mexicanos y los otros Estados Unidos de más al norte. Este evento marca pone en evidencia uno de los principales problemas del proceso de globalización. Cuando uno habla de globalización típicamente está hablando que los mercados de los distintos países del planeta se comportan como si fueran un solo mercado. Es decir, yo puedo comprar un café en pleno Nueva York que en realidad está hecho con café de Oxapampa, mientras leo las noticias en internet sobre el atentado en Sri Lanka en una computadora que hicieron en Taiwán pero que compré en Lima.

Pero la globalización no sólo se limita al intercambio comercial de bienes sino también a los servicios. Es decir, podría estar haciendo cola en la agencia del novedoso Commerce Bank cerca de Wall Street para abrir una cuenta sin costos de mantenimiento o podría enviar una remesa a mi familia en Perú. Sin embargo, la globalización va mucho más allá o al menos debería ir mucho más allá pues también los mercados de capitales deberían estar interconectados. Es decir, una empresa peruana debería poder (si es que lo vale) emitir deuda en Londres y una empresa americana debería poder colocar seguros en Perú.

La pata coja del proceso de globalización es el mercado de trabajo. Los distintos mercados de trabajo de los países están muy lejos de estar integrados. Ninguno de nosotros puede tomar un avión a Estados Unidos (sea México o USA) sin que el pasaporte cuente con una visa que lo permita. Y no a todos les otorgan visa. Los distintos gobiernos han establecido numerosas restricciones en el funcionamiento de sus mercados de trabajo. La migración internacional se ha convertido en tema de constante disputa y de apuestas desesperadas como la del grupo de compatriotas que esta semana aparecieron varados en las costas de Costa Rica. Peruanos que apostaron y juntaron 8,000 dólares para emigrar ilegalmente y no consiguieron nada.

Esta semana mientras el presidente Bush aprobaba gastar más de ocho mil millones de dólares sólo en construir el muro (sin contar lo que costará la vigilancia en sí) andaba de vacaciones en Nueva York, probablemente la ciudad más emblemática de USA. Más de la mitad de la gente me habló en español, y en la función de una de las principales obras de Broadway, la actriz principal resultó ser mexicana, quien tuvo una actuación deslumbrante que el publico aplaudió de pie. Dentro mío no pude evitar pensar “pinche” muro, ya pronto otros lo derrumbarán.
Publicado en El Comercio, Octubre 19, 2006


Anonymous said...
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Alex Warn said...

Fat loss for women - you've probably been told that it is so difficult and that you are in for a torrid time if you want to lose weight as a woman. Just Keto

Richal said...

Once you have picked up and have a grasp pliggly over the subject, you can keep doing more and more research to understand the ground realities of people in different environments and come out with solutions to address health issues.

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After years of working in the fields of Education Keto Mode and Law Enforcement, Jana's interest in helping delinquent youths led naturally into a graduate program in Counseling.

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james said...

When you are looking to lose weight, let's face it, you are willing to try just about anything to shed those extra pounds. If you are like so many other people you have tried every safe and not so safe diet and diet pills to get it off. Well here are a few tips about Lipovarin that you may find will work for you.

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james said...

In a shallow bowl or dish, combine the cornflakes and the cinnamon. Roll each frozen ice cream ball in half of the cornflake mixture, return to freezer for 15 minutes.
This is an extremely light and simple ice cream recipe to make that is homemade and tastes really good considering there's only 3 ingredients. You can spice it up by adding crushed chocolate sandwich cookies or any kind of fruit.

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2. Eat several small meals in a day: Instead of eating three big meals, opt to have smaller and lighter meals every few hours of the day. Not only is this good for your digestive system but doing this also keeps you from being hungry. And honestly, keeping yourself feeling full longer is probably one of the best ways to stop your cravings in their tracks


james said...

Eggs - Used in omelets, quiches (yes, heavy cream is legal on keto!), hard boiled as a snack, low carb pizza crust, and more; if you like eggs, you have a great chance of success on this diet
Bacon - Do I need a reason? breakfast, salad garnish, burger topper, BLT's (no bread of course; try a BLT in a bowl, tossed in mayo)

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james said...

Fat burners can help achieve a targeted weight loss goal if used properly. The benefits of fat burners can be wide-ranging and include increasing the body's metabolism, giving extra energy, and decreasing appetite. A combination of these benefits leads to more muscle definition and faster weight loss.

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james said...

Platinum is a naturally formed white metal that is very closely related to five other metals including: palladium, ruthenium, rhodium, osmium, and iridium. Together, all of these metals share similar chemical and mechanical properties and are known as the platinum group metals. These metals are known for their strength and high durability. Unlike gold, platinum jewelry is 95% pure, with typical alloys of either copper, iridium, palladium, cobalt, ruthenium, tungsten, gallium, or indium making up the additional 5%.

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james said...

Lawn mowing is not easy. The blistering sun, biting insects, clouds of dirt and dust and lawn mower fumes can make you want to run inside and hide. Yes, mowing and trimming a yard is a big pain for a variety of reasons, all of them legitimate; but there really is a better way.
You can make the pain go completely away by hiring a lawn care pro, and all for a surprisingly reasonable price. If you have never considered hiring a professional company to mow your grass, you might want to reconsider. Here are seven good reasons to think about it:

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james said...

When you lose weight too quickly, your body cannot maintain its muscle. Because muscle requires more calories to sustain itself, your body begins to metabolize it so that it can reserve the incoming calories for its survival. It protects it fat stores as a defense mechanism to ensure your survival in case of future famine and instead use lean tissue or muscle to provide it with calories it needs to keep its vital organs such as your brain, heart, kidneys and liver functioning. If you reach a point where you have very little fat or muscle, your body will metabolize your organs to keep your brain functioning leading to heart attack, stroke and liver and kidney failure.

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james said...

reasons may vary in different cases. But in present day it is not a big fact to worry. Various male enhancement products are extensively available in the market and they are quite capable of handling this type of sexual disorders. Men can take their help and cure themselves easily as per their requirement.


james said...

Loss of muscle also leads to loss of tone underneath the skin leaving you soft and unshapely with no form or contour. If you lose weight too rapidly, your skin won't have time to adjust either. Also muscle is what gives you strength and loss of it means a weak body.

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james said...

Don't worry about side effects either, as with hoodia there aren't any. Just make sure that you get enough water, food, and rest and you will be good to go. No racing heart, no jitters, and no energy bursts means that you won't have to sacrifice anything but fat to lose weight.
Do you need to lose weight for the party this weekend? Fortunately, you can find an answer to that - there is a Cabbage Soup Diet to your rescue!

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james said...

hard to accomplish. Here is just one example of a good list of foods and diet plan. Oh yeah and never forget to drink your water, and a lot of it, a gallon a day is what I would recommend, though not necessary.

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If you do, you may experience extreme irritation. Also stay away from products that have a strong scent after you sugar or wax, they will also lead to irritation that can be hard to find relief from. FairyMines

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Our weight likewise assumes a part in deciding what number of calories we blaze very still - more calories are required to keep up your body in its present express, the more prominent

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james said...

Acute joint pain affects the joints temporarily. It generally lasts for a few passing seconds or longer, but sooner or later it will decline as the healing process takes place.
Chronic joint pain varies from mild to severe, and usually lasts for a relatively longer period of time.

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Due to advanced technology, there are online weight loss programs. These programs are relevant and more so cost effective in that you do not need to spend any money on them, all you need is an internet enabled computer, visit various health websites and follow the available instructions. It is advisable to incorporate some of these programs in your daily activity if you faster loss weight.

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It takes a realistic self assessment. You need to look at yourself, classify your body type, and pick a program that will maximize your strengths. Family of Thakurganj full movie download

james said...

require a certain level of emotional support, prospective patients may want to establish a support network - including friends and family members that can join in on exercise and healthy eating.

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james said...

I believe weight loss supplements can help you reach your weight loss goals, I also believe you can reach your weight loss goals without weight loss supplements, however I have always been the type of person that wanted every edge I can get. So if you are like me, and

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james said...

Eat more green vegetables. Bright coloring is a sign of powerful antioxidants in vegetables that do wonders for your health. Excellent green vegetables include spinach, broccoli, kale, green beans, and more. When you add these to your meal plans, you will see results.

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james said...

is why chia seeds cost about five times as much as flax seeds. Recently chia has made a come-back because of the growing awareness of the need for omega-3 fatty acids. Perhaps the cost would come down if more people demanded them.

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Unknown said...

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james said...

Add to that that we have, over the last 15 years, added huge amounts of sugars to our food as fillers and as fat replacements to add flavor. So not only do we not starve anymore in the middle-class western hemisphere, we also give ourselves more food than we need and thus

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james said...

The statistics don't lie: getting the weight off is not the hardest part, keeping the weight off is! If you take a close look at the many well known fad/commercial diets out there, and you are honest with yourself, and apply my test above, you will find most of them no longer

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james said...

Techniques applied to elicit the relaxation response can be physical or mental. Some use environmental factors. The may also be used individually or synergistically. The main objective remains to find the techniques, which encourage restful sleep for you because

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james said...

If a woman desires less sagging and wants to be larger, a breast lift or mastopexy is needed. Again, surgeons will tell you your options and also remind you to be realistic with or breast augmentation may be satisfactory. The problems in men are similar however treatment is

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james said...

Equally, be it a conventional diet, a fad diet, or a diet pill, the early rapid bodyweight reduction effect mostly likely to be experienced is virtually the same - body water loss. However, diets that employ have severe caloric restrictions or that are high in protein can significantly increase this effect.

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james said...

Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. People don't fail overnight. Failure is the result of a long accumulation of poor thinking, poor choices, compounded by unhealthy actions. Simply put, failure is just a few bad decisions, bad choices, and destructive acts repeated over and over again, day after day. If this is the case, then the formula for success should just be a

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james said...

I've found that I can't get below 9-10% body fat on diet alone (you can only reduce your calories so much, or you begin to eat up muscle)-I have to add in cardio if I want to continue losing. When I bulk, I usually end off around 14-15% body fat, and I can diet off the first 5% or

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james said...

the use of diuretics to give the illusion of weight loss. Diuretics, both drugs and diuretic herbs, promote body water loss through the kidneys. Apart from these diet programs leading to body water loss which easily shows up on the bathroom, the dieter risks getting dehydrated.

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james said...

Equally, be it a conventional diet, a fad diet, or a diet pill, the early rapid bodyweight reduction effect mostly likely to be experienced is virtually the same - body water loss. However, diets that employ have severe caloric restrictions or that are high in protein can significantly increase this effect.

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and delivery of the supplements by absorption through the skin. This change in supplement delivery method doesn't necessarily indicate a change in the actual ingredient formula. A well known example of a medication patch is the nicotine patch used to stop smoking. The

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which have been created specifically to help satisfy your female lover. Without being graphic, if you are reading this article, it is likely you are aware of those special positions. What do they accomplish, deeper penetration, to help you get to that "special spot". If you were to take the initiative to enhance your male anatomy, there may be less of a need for these acrobatics and
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Some fitness tuning suggestions for your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss diet.In the morning, I start my day with a fruit, a bowl of oatmeal and some bacon or sausage, followed by a multivitamin. For lunch you should also plan your lunch to contain a protein

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Darrin Lesch said...

Starting with the mechanism where male-enhancement pills work by increasing the user's male hormones, it turns out that the size of a man's sexual organ, as indeed most of other so-called 'masculine features' in a man are under the control of these male hormones (also


james said...

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The best thing which one can get from natural enhancement products is that they are entirely free of injurious side effects. On the other hand chemical product have their own side effects such as increase in blood pressure, skin irritations and can even cause insomnia in certain

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pulmonary efficiency is increased and your resting heart rate is lower. Solution: Congratulations! You're officially fit and healthy. You can justifiably feel proud of yourself. Concentrate on mixing up your routine to maintain progress and life will just get better and better! Another thing to keep in mind is that weight loss is not the only aspect to increasing

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There are so many weight loss programs out there today, it can be difficult and confusing to choose the right one. If you are online like most people are these days, the list of diets and programs is endless, and the pros and cons of each are buried in hype and sales copy. So how do you choose?

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Well, the purpose of this article is to discuss various aspects and concepts surrounding weight loss programs in hopes that it will help you be able to select the appropriate program for you. First things first!

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However, if you are truly committed to reaching even your most seemingly unattainable weight loss goals you can and will do it by following the plan above. Now, for your benefit let's go a little deeper into each step of the plan.

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prowess and virility as well as increase strength and power during sexual activity. By increasing androgenic effects and dramatically increasing testosterone, Tongkat Ali increases sexual arousal and motivation and frequency of sexual activity. This supplement supports a

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Most people would say that they want to lead a healthier life. The question is; are they willing to make the changes to accomplish this goal? To become healthier you have to be willing to make changes to your daily life, and stick with it.
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Super cut said...

Ginkgo Biloba is another herb that has many benefits. Not only does it act as a great brain tonic but also helps increase blood circulation. More importantly, it helps increase the secretion of nitric oxide which acts as a catalyst in increasing blood flow to the penis.


james said...

hardons. Male enhancement items help males to obtain better erections by enhancing the blood circulation towards the penis. An item of male enhancement is also proven to be helpful for males who utilize them for enhancing their sexual drive and ejaculation.
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(5) Byrne S, et al. Weight maintenance and relapse in obesity: a qualitative study. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2003 Aug;27(8):955-62.

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james said...

Do male enhancement pills work for ALL men? NO...Let me repeat myself...NO male enhancement pills do not work for all men. To date there are NO male enhancement pills whether prescription, non-prescription, or natural herbal male enhancement pills that work 100% of the time for everyone. If any male enhancement product maker claims their product

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james said...

produced amazing results for their participants. Conversely, I can assure you that every one of those programs also has people who purchased, then barely participated, quit and spent hard-earned money for no results whatsoever. Ultimately the results you get begin and end

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james said...

Just another run-of-the-mill, metal frame slim tree until you look a little closer. You will notice 200 miniature sized handmade 24-carat gold bottles containing Louis XIII, Grand-Champagne Cognac. Why they would openly leave booze in a hotel lobby is anybody's guess. The tree is 16.5 feet tall so if you were going to drink the champagne cognac, for safety reasons I would suggest starting from the top and working your way down.

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james said...

Losing 10, 20, 50 or 100 pounds or more all comes back to what you do on a daily basis. If you do what you're supposed to do (eat right + exercise) day in a day out you will eventually lose all the weight you want.

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james said...

What is the number one reason diets fail long term; above all else? The number one reason is...drum roll...a lack of long term compliance. The numbers don't lie; the vast majority of people who lose weight will regain it - and often exceed what they lost. You knew that already didn't you?

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want to eat whatever they want to eat, do whatever they want to do and live their life as they deem appropriate. I'm not pointing fingers here, that's what I'd like to do too. However,

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james said...

Even if you falter and veer off your weight loss track, it's OK. If you are able to quickly get back on track you will overtime, reap the benefits of dramatic weight loss and improved health.

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james said...

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) is a unique tree with no close living relatives. Ginkgo extract treats circulation problems of impotence and increases blood flow to most tissues and organs, including the penis. It helps to correct atheroscerosis, hypertension and depression,

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james said...

Premature ejaculation is a far-reaching sexual problem that affects countless men, and deters from their overall sexual enjoyment. Many men suffer humiliation in their bedrooms which can even create a very large dent in a steady relationship as such! With the consumption of natural enhancers, powerful sexual nutrients called pro-sexuals work to

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james said...

The number of males showing their curiosity about male enhancement products is growing daily. Many males are even coming forward and test out the various penile enhancement items and methods. Every one of them has his own reasons behind opting for penile

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Super cut said...

If you don't have insurance, check with your local mental health agencies to see what is available that's free. The longer you wait to get treatment the worse it'll get; take action now. There are many pain killer addiction treatment facilities located throughout the United States, Canada and the rest of the world.

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the health benefits of green tea will be made available to members of my website listed below.) However, in relation to your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, you have just found your replacement for coffee!

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james said...

You will find numerous male enhancement items available for sale. The manufacturers of these items make ample offers to men like growing your penis as big as you want, enhancing the sexual drive and much more. The promises of the manufacturers creating these types of
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Edward said...

interfere with the body's use of most nutrients. If soil can grow crops, the food produced is nutritious. When soil lacks minerals, plants don't grow properly and may not produce their potential yield. Growing area does affect a food's iodine and selenium contents.Renegade Keto

james said...

Equally, be it a conventional diet, a fad diet, or a diet pill, the early rapid bodyweight reduction effect mostly likely to be experienced is virtually the same - body water loss. However, diets that employ have severe caloric restrictions or that are high in protein can significantly increase this effect.

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james said...

Sports shoes are very comfortable if they are not made from synthetic material. Some of the synthetic materials cause added perspiration and pain. Shoes not too heavy, causing Achilles tendon and not too smothering for the feet are wise health choices.

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james said...

Throughout history men have been seeking new natural and safe ways to achieve male enhancement. This is somewhat due the vanity or self confidence that some men may lack, however, a man must really take into consideration what his wife or girlfriend desires and/or needs in order to be completely satisfied, in the bedroom department. The cold hard fact is

james said...

vitamins and Ginko or Yohimbe as ingredients. Many of these ingredients may in fact be part of a man's current supplement and diet schedule depending on his current level of nutrition. Products in this category often share more commonality with energy drinks such as Redline
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james said...

do so. When a plate of food was placed in front of me, I was expected to completely finish it, and I was never discouraged from asking for more, which I did quite often. I was, however, the only child, out of the four in our family, that became overweight.
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james said...

Given enough time and following the 3 steps above you can lose tens and even hundreds of pounds without starving yourself or resorting to bogus weight loss pills or dangerous body sculpting surgeries.

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